Enjoy this summer with Cannabis

Activities to enjoy while high
Summer activities with cannabis

Mostly Everyone is a big fan of summer, getting out of the house from a long cold winter, socializing with friends and enjoying cool nights around a small fire with friends. So how can we level up these experience with Cannabis…

Well, We thought of 10 fun activities to enjoy and some great products to help level them up for any canna-curious fun seekers. This list is in no particular order and are just general  fun cannabis experiences to share with friends.

#1. Going on a hike.

Weather its bye yourself, with a friend or a furry companion a hike is always a great activity to help us stay active and enjoy some fresh air.  A mild edible, with some CBG or CBC might be a great option for those wanting to explore.

Great for those day trippers…

#2. Go Camping for the weekend.

Grabbing a tent or camper for the weekend. Going to a Provincial or Forestry recreation site. Then don’t forget your cannabis… Provincial campsites act as a sovereign area for the duration of your stay. You are allowed to consume all forms of Cannabis available as long as you stay with in your camp site. Though keep in mind the Provincial regulations prohibiting cannabis use outside of your designated camping site as the rest of the park is a public space where cannabis consumption is prohibited.

Paarens Beach Provincial Park - Fort St. James

#3. Enjoy a leisurely water activity.

When it’s hot and the sun is beating down on us, it sure can be a refreshing activity going to the beach and float around in the water, or filling up the back yard pool for cooling dip. An edible or canna-beverage is a perfect pairing as you get the buzz and keep the smoke and vape clouds away from nosy neighbour's who want to be a buzz kill.

One of many beverage options available at our retail locations.

#4. Have a bunch of chores to do.

Having too much summer fun… Chores stacking up on you… why not grab some sativa pre-rolls or flower and get to it.  Smoke some grass while you cut the grass. Do you have a garden… Pull out the gloves and start some weeding while munching on some CBG or CBC edibles. Hot day of yard work grab a refreshing Cannabis lemonade or iced tea to quench your thirst.

#5 Get some friends over for a Bar-BQ.

There is nothing like eating some great Bar-BQ with friends. So why not infuse some of the food with cannabis. Since legalization began, the number of options and recipes for cannabis-infused treats has blown up. We are not limited to space cakes and cookies any more. The next question is, how do you include cannabis in this party?

Luckily we have a legal retail market now full of tinctures. Using edible oils or water soluble drops can work with most any recipe. These products are perfect for dosing as you know how much cannabinoids are in a (ml) measurements as well as the entire bottle. So infusing has never been easier simply take your preferred tincture and add your preferred amount to any recipe. Salad dressings, sauces and dips are a perfect way to start, as well as some cannabis infused butter or pesto. The water soluble drops from XMG are great for mixing into your own beverages, where you can turn any simple mock-tail into a cannabis potion.

examples: Oil (left) & Water Soluble (right) tinctures.

#6 Crafting with Friends.

Sometimes with summer we end up stuck in our homes to stay out of the intense heat so why not bust out the arts & crafts, and turn up the creativity to 11 with your favourite cannabis strains. Let your elevated mind take over the creative process and laugh and play while joking with friends about your goofy craft concoctions.

#7 Have a movie night at home.

Get your favourite someone or a group of friends over for a couple of movies and light up some joints. There is nothing like laughing at your favourite stoner movies with a couple of stoner friends, or getting sucked into the matrix while watching your favourite sci-fi flicks.

#8 Attend a live music event

Pairing cannabis with entertainment has always been a go to for any cannabis consumer, with music being at the top of that list for many people. With cannabis becoming more and more popular we are starting to see events providing an outdoor consumption space for people who want to puff puff pass. Though edibles and drinks do get a little more freedom as you have alternate ways of consuming it. You can just chew up a couple gummies and be good for a several hours, enjoying the music and dancing with friends.

#9 bust out the buds and board games

With digital media taking up most of our time these days why not gather together for a game night the old fashioned way. Cannabis is great for this as you probably wont see any one get too upset and flip the board over while buzzed on some dank herb.

So take a RISK invading your best friends land, say SORRY! as you jump over your opponents, see how LIFE treats you while puff puff passing the dice, or laugh at your dungeon master as he forgets to roll his D 20.

#10 Enjoy the sunset.

What better way to end a summer evening, then to watch a beautiful summer sunset. Grab your favourite cannabis strain head out to your favourite viewing area and smoke a fat blunt as the sun sets over the horizon.

Stuart Lake - Fort St. James, B.C.

With all the fun to be had this summer it is important to remember, everyone's experience with Cannabis can vary, so it's essential to understand your limits, consume responsibly, and be aware of the potential effects and risks associated with marijuana use.

Do not consume Cannabis while operating a motor vehicle.

Do not provide Cannabis for anyone under the age of 19.

Do not consume Cannabis if you are under the age of 19.

Do not consume Cannabis in public spaces where it is prohibited by law.


Needing a few Stoner Dad gift ideas…


The Rules around Consuming Cannabis in Public