The New Drinks in town…

Cannabis Infused Beverages:


  • Introduction

  • 8 Common Questions & Answers

When people think about cannabis the first thing that comes to mind is usually smoking, then vaping or eating it inside an edible. Until recently the idea of drinking it wasn’t really on most people's radars. Hanging out with friends in adult social situations usually involves drinking alcoholic beverages. Though more and more adults are starting to choose to drink alcohol less and are starting to look for a new social atmosphere and beverage.

With the many forms of cannabis available some of these people are starting to look at cannabis infused beverages to be their new social beverage of choice. With cannabis beverages, you retain the social drinking atmosphere, drink in hand and get to still enjoy the festivities without feeling left out or out of place. Though it is recommend that you do not mix the two substance to reduce negative health effects, as Alcohol and Cannabis can create vastly different personal experiences. You can still expect laughter and good conversations to be had though. As always make sure to plan for safe travel with a sober designated driver, and never operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of Cannabis or alcohol.

Below I have eight common asked questions and answers regarding Cannabis beverages for you.

Q:  What is a cannabis beverage?                                   

A:  These are common beverages infused with a cannabis extract, such as Distillate or Isolate. These beverages can contain a single cannabinoid such as CBD or THC or a combination of cannabinoids, for example THC + CBN or THC + CBG.

You can find a range of options from infused tea bags, powder mixes, and pre mixed canned or bottled beverages.

Q:  How are drinks different then edibles?             

A:  Cannabis beverages start metabolize the moment it hits your tongue. When Cannabis is emulsified into the beverage it allows THC to absorb quickly through the mouth, esophagus, and stomach tissues. This results in a much faster onset compared to eating edibles. Users can expect to feel effects with in 15-30 minutes, lasting 6 hours or more. Some user describe the effects being more consistent and accurate, with beverages absorbing into the bloodstream compared to edibles.

If you have had a bad experience with a cannabis edible in the past, you know edibles can be a little unpredictable. The typical edible metabolizes through the liver, where THC turns into its more potent form 11-hydroxy-THC. This can be 3-5 times stronger than THC. With edibles this process can take the user 30-90 minutes to feel the effects, with them lasting up to 12 hours or more. This is where some people make the mistake of ingesting more before THC has the chance to metabolize into 11-hydroxy-THC.

Q:  How do Cannabis beverages taste?               

A:  when drinks first hit the market in 2020 they did have a noticeable cannabis flavour. With the last 3 years of experience,  cannabis beverage producers have gotten better and better at hiding the smell and flavor of cannabis, and now I can safely say they taste great. With a variety of Seltzers, sodas, Juices, Kombuchas and more there is bound to be something to quench your palette with an added buzz.

Q:  Can I mix cannabis beverages with alcohol?

A:  Experts unanimously agree and strongly advise against consuming or mixing alcohol with cannabis beverages or any other cannabis products.  When Cannabis and alcohol are consumed together, their psychoactive effects are multiplied and the effects on your mental and physical state are unpredictable. This is true even for experienced user.

Q:  Can I mix my own cannabis drinks?                  

A:  Yes… yes you can. Thankfully XMG a beverage producers does make a ready to mix water tincture with no added flavouring. XMG Drops are perfect for mixing micro doses or stronger drinks, They do have a slightly bitter taste when added to a beverage in higher amounts. The XMG Drops tincture bottle will dispense one drop at a time with 0.5mg of THC per drop.  Adding picture

Q:  How Should cannabis Beverages be stored?    

A:  It goes without saying Cannabis and Cannabis beverages should always be kept out of reach of children and pets. Once safely contained or out of reach of children, Drinks can be kept for several weeks and are best stored in a cool dry place. Out with a group of adults these drinks can also be kept on ice, and are best served chilled. they should not be frozen.

Q:  Who is buying cannabis drinks?                      

A:  From the canna curious customer to the cannasseur, they are all enjoying cannabis beverages. With THC levels varying from 1-10mg it can give the user a similar experience to a glass of wine or beer. It’s effects are similar to smoking or vaping with some users typically drinking 1-3 drinks over a few hours of time.

Q:  How are cannabis beverages made?           

A:  It is not an easy process to describe as cannabis extracts are not water soluble as oils and waters don’t mix. In order to properly emulsify the two, they have to be mixed using a certain industry technique referred to as SōRCE technology. This creates a stable and homogeneous emulsion that allows for seamless integration into most any food or beverages product.

Some cannabis edible producers will also use this technology to make fast acting gummies or other edible products.

I hope that helps anyone curious about trying a new beverage for those social gatherings with friends or family. As always remember to go low and go slow when consuming cannabis products.


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